Trying a Bit Too Hard

I have been trying and trying to figure out what to write about on this blog post.

The ideas have come and gone, each one less interesting as I start to think about it. So, this blog post is going under the label of Random Thoughts. I'm sorry in advance and completely understand if you move on to different parts of your life!

Independence Day - I am getting ready for a (hopefully) quiet night around me out here. I really do not like fireworks - a holdover from a terrifying fireworks show when I was five years-old. I have had neighbors who have thought it was a good idea to shoot off fireworks at 2am, pointing them towards my car, and in a rain storm. Now, if they had done this stunt at 8:30 pm, I probably would not have called the police, but 2am is just plain wrong! Yep, I called the police who seemed to be happy to know where the illegal fireworks were coming from!!

Renovation Thoughts - My facility is getting ready for a major renovation. I am facing the challenge of changing my entire professional process, and it is freaking me out a bit. This week offered me a chance to make the ideas that I have in my head a bit more concrete. I was able to claim my space at the alternate facility, so I know that I will have all of my music therapy instruments and materials at my fingertips. My stress level has decreased dramatically just in the past two weeks.

AMTA - I have been watching a flap on Music Therapists Unite! concerning censorship and our roles in social media. Someone took off a comment that someone else had tried to take over, and the original poster ended up being (how I felt about this - this is only my own feelings now) chastised about the decision to remove the original comment. The original comment was about the folks at AMTA who have very difficult decisions to make about our profession every day. The original poster is a media friend of mine, and I really felt her point of view over those of the people spearheading the conversation and criticism. I am getting to know all of the folks at AMTA, and I feel that they do an excellent job of making decisions about what to focus on for the good of our profession. 

There are times when I wished that they would drop everything and attend to only me, but seriously?? Why would that be their only focus? Me and only me?? (If you don't know by now, these last comments were tongue-in-cheek and intended to be snarky!)

Music Therapy Interns - I enjoy running webinars for music therapy interns. I had one this past week and found that this group is finally starting to relax and interact with me and with each other. I'm hoping that this group of interns will become more interactive as we continue through this process.

Health - I am completely freaked out about an appointment that I have tomorrow morning. This is not unusual for me as I have "white-coat anxiety." (And have had it since birth!) Our discussion will be centered around some upcoming surgery that I will have to have at some point. I am really hoping that I can plan this, but I may need to do this in an emergency situation. Blech. Just thinking about it makes my blood pressure rise. This appointment will affect what happens with my internship training program for the next calendar year. So, I have to write down all of my questions and get them answered tomorrow.

Okay, I think my rant is over.

Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans! Happy Thursday, everyone else!!


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