The Monkeys...The Monkeys!

I am a novice art journaler. If you don't have a clue what that is, don't worry about it! I didn't know about it either until I just thought I would Google the term and see what popped up.

Much to my joy and constant challenge, I found this website: Now, Danny is an amazing art journalist who turned to journaling after his wife had an accident and later died. He has a blog and has been recently started a series of posts about monkeys (do you see the link to the title yet?). Danny's monkeys are little voices that tell you that you are no good, can't do anything, and stand in your way when you start to doubt yourself. He has written three posts about his personal monkeys, and I have found each one resonates with me.

I have monkeys that roam around the spaces of my mind just waiting for a quiet moment to jump out and take over my life! I see them most often when I am experiencing one of my occasional bouts of insomnia. It is amazing how they get loose when there is very little happening to keep me occupied.

If you are wondering about your own monkeys, check out Danny's blog. He has done a wonderful job of identifying these thoughts and offering solutions to help calm the monkeys.

(On a somewhat related note, I finished a file folder this weekend for the song, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. It was fun to draw my monkeys and give them a folder to stay in...hopefully forever!)


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