8,300 and Counting!

It amazing that this blog has been viewed 8,300 times. I'm humbled by the idea that others actually read what I have to say. Thank you, readers, for looking at this little page! I appreciate it!

Today, I went to work on a day when I don't have to so I could sort all of my music therapy stuff into three piles - Trash, closet storage, and music therapy office. I did it. All of the stuff (and I have lots of it) is ready to be moved. I'm hoping that someone can move it soon since my life is going in another direction right now - away from work and into solving my medical issues of the past seven months.

Hopefully, if I am not the one who moves stuff around, it will all be finished when I get back to do music therapy. Are there any moving fairies out there?? Anyone??

This next year will be challenging on many levels. The first is the actual challenge of not having a space to do music therapy. I'm the first to admit that I've been REALLY spoiled in my career. I've always had a music therapy home. Of course, that home was sometimes a closet, sometimes a cafeteria, but most often a room all to myself. Of the four homes I've had at my current job, this last one has been the best. That leads to my second challenge - a new space once this renovation has been finished - a room that will not be appropriate for the type of therapy I do now. The third challenge should be the first thing that I'm thinking about, but it isn't. That is the challenge of changing the way I do therapy with my current students. They have been a bit shocked to hear that we will not be having music therapy in the music room this next school year. No one has a concept of music therapy on a cart, so it will require us all to follow a new learning curve.

New challenges ahead, an end to the bad antibiotics in sight, and, hopefully, there will be an end to the constant medical issues that are happening within me right now. I just have to survive the next week.

At least the room is ready. 


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