The Return of the Online Conference for Music Therapy

It's back! The Online Conference for Music Therapy (OCMT) is heading back to a computer near you in February 2014. This will be the third year that this conference has been held, and I'm looking forward to it.

If you have NO idea what I'm talking about, I'll be happy to explain.

In 2010, John Lawrence, a music therapist from Canada, sent out an email on the music therapy listserv asking for people to talk about starting an online conference. I was interested in learning more about streaming media, so I responded. Lo and behold, I was then part of the founding committee for the first and second OCMTs.

Do you know what I like about this conference? Pajamas!! I love that I have a chance to spend time with music therapists from around the world without having to leave my home. I enjoy the opportunity to soak in knowledge, experiences, and new relationships during an international conference. In addition, I get a chance to earn CMTEs. What a great deal.

Now, if you have only attended a conference (any type of conference - live or online), what you may not realize is that there is lots of work that has to happen before, during, and after the conference. There are decisions to be made - venue, cost, budget, format, theme, presentations, invitations, keynote speakers, deadlines, schedule - so many decisions! There is lots of work in bringing a conference to fruition.

Being on the Board of OCMT gives me a new perspective on the amount of work that members of the planning committees in our regions and our national association go through. OCMT has the advantage of being available without needing to be held in a physical place. We do not have to figure out which hotel, city, and state to send folks for the conference. We do not have to arrange for multiple rooms. The folks at AMTA have so much more to do that we should really be very, very grateful that they are able to function during the annual AMTA conferences every year. I know I am...

Anyway, back to the return of OCMT. If you are interested in attending, save February 8-9, 2014 and check out this website:

We are currently taking presentation proposals for the conference. Consider submitting a presentation proposal - we'd like to hear about what interests you about music therapy. The deadline for proposals is August 15, 2013 (Greenwich Mean Time). (Here is a link to a time conversion website so you know what time your deadline is based on where you live: ). For me, it is 6pm on August 15th, so I'd better get going!

This is a great conference. As I have been involved in OCMT as a planner, presenter, and attendee, I have met so many music therapists from all around the world. I know music therapists in Bahrain, India, Canada, Australia, all over the United States, and folks from many other places. I have learned about the challenges of being a therapist in places where therapy is not culturally accepted yet. I have heard about the parent's perspective when it comes to working with music therapists. I have learned about music therapy technology, and about going back to basics.

I can truly say that I am thankful that I took a huge step into the unknown three years ago and answered John Lawrence's request for help. OCMT has been and continues to be a challenge, a pleasure, and an enriching experience!

I hope to see you there!  


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