Back to the Grind

It is time to go back to work. Sigh.

Now, I am not complaining! I enjoy working, but I really feel that I need substantial amounts of time to refresh and renew my therapeutic resources after a long stretch of working. This break wasn't nearly long enough to accomplish my cycle of enjoyment, boredom, and refilling my bag of tricks. Oh well.

Today was originally supposed to be a day full of meetings, packing, and moving from my big, beautiful music room into a closet office to accommodate the upcoming school renovation. That plan has changed. We will now be starting off with kids from the get-go. I have no problems with seeing kids first - I ABHOR days without clients, but I am not sure about this whole renovation thing. I found out several weeks ago that the plan is to take the big, beautiful music room that I helped design and was assured would be my room throughout this planning process and place me in a smaller space after the renovation. Today, I will be starting to communicate my concerns about this plan to my administrators. I'll probably be called into the principal's office for this, but I really feel that I need to talk to folks about this situation. It has left me feeling like my needs for a music therapy space are no longer relevant in the interest of others. That may be true, and it will make decisions about my future easier to make. It may also be untrue and just a function of missed communication. Who knows.

My clients will be working on songwriting projects this summer. I have been inspired by my readings in Baker and Wigram's text on Songwriting to continue to use songwriting with my clients. This exercise will be interesting as I will try to get my adolescents to engage in a meaningful experience rather than just going through the motions. We will see if and how it will work.

Now it's time to get ready for the day. It will be good to have a break from some of the snarky people who will not be in the summer session, and it will be GREAT to see clients again.

Off we go!


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