A Sick Day...Sorta

Today, I am sitting in my home, waiting for a doctor's appointment rather than going to work. It's a sick day that was not expected, wanted, or appreciated, but I am determined to make the best of this time.

Lately, I have been having lots of problems with my intestines (Did you stop reading here? That's okay!), and I think I'm heading into a new round of issues. Blech. This may complicate things like my family's vacation to support me during some medical tests that may not be able to happen if this situation continues. This is causing additional stress in my life that is not good for the gut issues. It seems like a never-ending cycle. First, gut pain, then gut takes over everything that I am thinking about and everything that I am planning. My life goes on hold as I try to figure out things like, "Can I make it through an entire session without exploding?" and other such thoughts that pass through my head at random moments. Client concerns kind of go out the window when this happens - that is not good.

Hence, the sick day.

My specialist is not really all that accessible when I am having difficulties, so I have learned that you snap up ANY opportunity to get into her office when you can. When I called on Monday, I was offered an appointment at 8:45 today, so I took it! I arranged for my 11th sick day this year (it's been a BAD health year for me, almost all due to gut stuff!) and am now ready to spend the day away from work.

Today is one of those days where it is better for me not to be at work than trying to entertain clients during their sessions. My mind is not really focused on what is best for my kids, it is more occupied with internal issues. It is more beneficial for me to be away than it is for me to be sitting and watching as kids entertain themselves. Therapy time should be client-focused (always) and not therapist-focused. 

So, I am taking a sick day.

The first part of this day will be gut-related. Hopefully I will get some questions answered about my condition. Hopefully I will know more about how to prevent these episodes and can get myself a bit more organized as to gut health.

The second part of the day depends on what the doctor has me do. If I have to go get different medication, it will be spent waiting at the pharmacy. If not, I think I will go home and do some laundry. Either way, it is a change from the regular routine of being a therapist.

Ooh, maybe I will try making something new for my clients to use in their sessions next week. Maybe not. Maybe I will just watch television. Maybe I will work on some webinar ideas. Maybe not.

Tomorrow, I should be returning to my schedule, my sessions, and my clients. I think I will be a better therapist due to the time I take off today. We will see what the clients think.


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