Getting There One Step at a Time!

What you are seeing here is the update to my office! Remember the shelf picture from before? Here is the new laminating station ready for new projects! Notice that the space in front of the shelf is actually clear! If you could see the bulletin board, you would see that most of the paper is gone, the laminator has its own place in the office now, and that the specialty papers that I use occasionally have their own place as well! There is still lots of clutter, but I can see that things are getting more organized as I move along!


Here is the rest of my new creativity station! The scrapbooking boxes hold my materials for making file folders, Therapeutic Music Experience (TME) visual aids, and most of my Dollar Tree finds! The rest of the paper and cardstock is in file boxes under the scrapbooking boxes. The binder and the binding materials are in the same place! Can you imagine??

I have found that my biggest enemy in this process has been Pinterest (yes, Sarah, I look at Pinterest now! I completely blame you for this!! I refuse to become a pinner, though, as I know it would eventually take over my life!) If you have never been on the website, Pinterest, I would suggest that you take it slowly! Anyway, when I get on that website, I see examples of offices that are so organized, I would never be able to relax there. You know the ones... Everything white and sparkling, fit into a custom-made drawer, and entirely too precise for me! Every time I start to look at the organization sites, I end up feeling inadequate! So, I have had to stop!

Are there things or people in your life that tend to lead you towards feelings of inadequacy? You know, the person who can play barre chords on the guitar without having to look at her fingers, or the person who makes all of his gifts from scratch, using just a jigsaw and his imagination? I am sure that you do.

A secret that I FINALLY figured out, after many, MANY years, is that those people also feel those things - sometimes, even about you and me!! The adage, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, is often true for us. I often feel that I SHOULD be doing things differently from what I am actually doing.

I am constantly trying to remove the word SHOULD from my vocabulary. It often indicates to me that I was supposed to be able to be perfect, see into the future, and automatically know what would occur in every situation. I am not able to do any of those things. SHOULD also seems like a cop-out. I SHOULD do this, but I won't. I try to be a bit more active, rephrasing my sentences to be, "I WILL do this differently next time!"

So, my office will never be as pristine as the pictures on Pinterest, but my office WILL be more organized and functional in this new year.

Out with feelings of inadequacy - in with feelings of forward movement!!

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. I knew eventually PINTEREST would find you!! :) I am enjoying your blog!!


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