Wacky Website Wednesday

A couple of years ago, my wonderful sister started sending me some website links every Wednesday. My sister, a first/second grade teacher in Southern California, is the technology guru for her school. She is constantly looking for interesting things on the web. She realized one day that I also work in a school, and she generously shared her Wacky Website Wednesday emails with me to share with my school.

Many of the sites were educational in nature, but there were a couple that were very valuable for me as a music therapist working with school-aged children and adolescents. I thought I would share a couple today...
  1. Kelly Riley's Music Classroom: This link has a list of online music games. My sister tried out several of the games, as did I. They were fun and sorted by age groups for elementary kids. Lots of good links... http://www.klsriley.com/for-students/online-music-games/
  2. Incredibox: This link defies explanation. You just have to try it! http://www.incredibox.com/en/#/application
Happy Wacky Website Wednesday!


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