The Surreal Life

There are times when I just have to laugh at the strange nature of my very existence. This is one of those times.

I have arrived at the resort where the AMTA National Conference is being held. The original plan was to meet up with my friend, Christine, and then stalk other people hanging out who looked like music therapists (Do you know what I mean?? There is just a "look" to us MTs) until we found a couple of people to split the cab fare with us.

I found Christine along with five others who had reserved a limo. A black, stretch limo complete with chauffeur. We were invited along and spent about 16 dollars each instead of the 30-35 dollar cab fare, again, each!

I introduced myself to the people that I didn't know and found that I was sitting with AMTA's president-elect (who asked me to send her a song that I am composing), the CBMT representative to the AMTA Board of Directors, an internship director that I have met several times, and one of my professors. I just had to laugh.

A stretch limo, lots of people, and chatting about what makes us the same - music therapy.

I find this a surreal experience because I still feel like a newbie to the profession. It takes me a while to realize that I have been a therapist for almost 20 years, and that my generation is starting to have more responsibility as clinicians and as leaders in the field and the association. I wonder if my professor still feels that way.



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