Political Rhetoric

I get very tired of political commentary and discussion during election seasons. Last night was the first presidential debate. I did not listen, watch, or engage in any way. This is a conscious choice that I make during each and every election to help me maintain a positive outlook on life.

Now, this does not mean that I am not informed about the political viewpoints of those running for office - I most certainly am. I just choose not to actively engage in the conversation. My feelings (right or wrong, they are what they are) are that I get to vote the way I want. I do not allow others to attempt to change my mind. I fully support your right to vote the way that you want and will not attempt to change your mind.

It amazes me how the rhetoric of politicians moves into every organization at one time or another. If you are unaware of the current political debate in American music therapy, it is time to pay attention. At this point, the members of AMTA are discussing and debating whether entry-level music therapists should complete a master's degree program of study before working in the profession. This is an important discussion, and we need to engage in the conversation.

Sometimes people think their opinions are not valuable because they aren't experienced enough, old enough, loud enough, interesting enough, whatever. We may feel that we can't offer a position different from our professor... internship director... music therapy colleagues. I'm telling you that each and every one of us has an important opinion.

Offer your opinion. Know that there are others who will vehemently disagree with you. That is fine. You owe it to yourself to be opinionated, well-educated, and an active part of this debate!

There will be several opportunities to talk about this topic at the national conference next week, but you need to engage in this discussion - especially if you are a person who cannot attend the conference. Look for opportunities to talk, debate, and communicate your opinions to our representatives on the Board of Directors. Engage. Make your own opinions and be strong.

I will not tell you my political views - on Master's Level Entry (MLE) or on the presidential race - but, I will encourage everyone to take advantage of the right to make your own decisions.

Get involved. Start talking. Debate this with me and with everyone else. Speak up. Be counted!!


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