Taking the Next Step

I submitted my first two manuscripts for review and possible publication just a couple of seconds ago...

There is something really nice about being able to be informal in this setting, but there is something really thrilling about writing something that may be published in a peer-reviewed journal. This has been a long time coming, and now it is time to show my thoughts and the fruits of my research to the more formal world.


Moving on from this topic into another...

I have started doing music therapy groups with kids who have never had me as a therapist before. These past two weeks have been interesting.

I can firmly state that I am having to reestablish my therapeutic relationship with my clients. Every classroom group has experienced some sort of change whether it be changes in peers, in scheduling, in teachers - every group! In addition, I have only one intern right now, so I am taking back the groups that my recent intern led. This means that I am having to start over with expectations, with leadership, and with each and every child who enters the music therapy room.

So, this week is devoted to running groups and observing the reactions of my clients to how I do things.

The next step is to develop strategies to re-engage my clients. Group one - adolescent boys at 9am on Monday morning - no one moves, talks, or seems to breathe! Next step with these guys?? Something physical first thing in the session to wake up those bodies before we start the thinking part of the day!

There is always a next step. Sometimes the step is doing something you have never done before. Sometimes the step is to stand back away from the situation so you can get a better idea of what is going on.



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