Going Through the Project Drawer

I was looking around Amazon.com this morning and stumbled across a book about sketchbook challenges. This led to a blog, http://sketchbookchallenge.blogspot.com/, and an idea for myself.

The contributors to the blog set a theme for themselves every month and post ideas that address the theme. This month's theme is circles. Now, music therapists have done this occasionally, but I am going to take this idea in a new direction for myself.

My challenge for the rest of the month of July and the first half of the month of August is the project drawer. The goal is to look through my drawer of half-finished ideas for music therapy sessions and clients and finish some of them! Does anyone else have a drawer, or a cabinet, or a box, or a file of half-finished ideas?

My drawer is a place where I put all of the ideas that I have started but never quite seen all the way through to completion. Sometimes ideas make it into the drawer because I am waiting for the laminating materials to arrive, sometimes I have part of an idea but not the entire thing, sometimes I need to draw or create a portion of the idea...the reasons why things get into the project drawer are many!

Today I plan on looking at the drawer, selecting one idea, and finishing it completely. I have my file folders, my scrapbook papers, my scissors, markers, colored pencils, cardstock, drawing tools, scanner, printer, and digital camera.I figure that I can finish a project every week while I am working, and maybe a project a day during my upcoming fall break. This is a pretty ambitious goal, but I think it can be done.

Today, I am feeling like a visual sequencing folder may be the best way for me to harness my need to be creative as well as to complete a project. I already have a file folder and a list of pictures that I need. The challenge for today is to draw all of the items in the song. Once that is finished, I will print out the lyrics of the song, laminate the whole thing, and post more pictures.

How is this music therapy, you may wonder? This TME will probably be an adjunctive or auxiliary use of music as a therapeutic medium, but the use of the song provides my students with an opportunity to arrange visual prompts to correspond with both words and with the predictable sequence of the song. 

Here is the project as it is at this very moment. Just a file folder. Hopefully, by the end of today it will be a complete project along with an accompanying therapeutic music experience (TME) to go with it. After it has been laminated, I can try it out with my students, revise, and maybe offer it to others. Project #1, here I come!!


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