Simple Joys

I had a chance to run therapy groups today.

This may sound like a natural thing for a therapist to do during her workday, but I am now supervising two interns, so my work load is pretty much split between the two of them. I don't get much time to make music with my clients these days - I spend most of my time with a clipboard, taking notes, and offering constructive criticism.

I ran two therapy groups and an individual session today. Another group canceled and the guitar lesson folks did not show up.

Today, I had a meeting with the director of therapeutic services for our psychiatric residential treatment facility's residential side of things. Now, you would think that this would be a natural progression for a music therapist, but I am hired by the school rather than by the residential facility. So, after 16 years at the facility, I finally had a conversation with a person who kinda knows what I do and can kinda understand. Kinda.

I started some targeted goal groups this summer and lo and behold, now the PRTF clinicians are doing the same thing. We talked about the program and how music therapy will be fitting into it today. A simple joy and a "duh" moment, but something good for today.

I went to the small library in the town where I work today. I signed up for the summer reading program and got my reading packet. It is focused on reading before bedtime and should be a fun thing to do. There are other events and a book club as well. A simple joy - reading, but one I do better than anything else in the world!

I cleaned the entry way and vacuumed it all up. So, chocolate zingers in my future!!!

Simple joys - part of the happiness initiative. Be happy, friends!


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