...And I'm Off!

It is time to go back to work. This thought both saddens and excites me. I am sad because I have to be awake and ready to go by 6am - blech! I am excited because it is time to get ready for a new school session. There will be new co-workers, new students, and new music therapy sessions.

The only problem is that there are two inservice days to get through before I can get to the new music therapy opportunities.

I am not a person who sits still easily. I fidget and squirm and yawn and have to take notes in order to stay awake. Fortunately, I am in the midst of a professional bunch of people who are also attention-challenged. I feel that this version of hyperactivity goes with hyper-acuity - something that serves us well with the kids that we serve. We must be able to move and anticipate what clients will do before they respond. What makes us a good team for kids with developmental and psychiatric concerns does not make us a good inservice audience.

After the inservice portion of the day, I will spend some time scheduling my individual sessions and my adaptive lessons. The final parts of the schedule that need to be completed are some brand new groups focused and targeted on specific psychiatric goals and objectives. Tomorrow is a longer sitting day.


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