Vacating for Vacation

The school year is officially over! There are 10 bliss-filled days of vacation stretching in front of me until the Extended School Year session starts. The opportunity to "vacate" is thrilling to me at this point right now.

You can never underestimate the importance of being alone (now, I am speaking as a VERY strong introvert at this time!). I love being around people, but I need time by myself to truly refresh and reinvigorate. The next ten days offer a chance for me to be alone, seeking interaction with others on my own schedule, and to prepare for the next chapter in my music therapy life.

I will not be idle, however.

List of things to do in the next 10 days...
  1. Composition and Creativity: Part One Webinar (this evening at 7pm - register on my website)
  2. CLEAN my home!
There you go. I will also spend some time making visual aids, composing songs, cooking food, swimming in the pool, taking walks, settling in for long naps, and chasing the cat from room to room.

I hope you have an opportunity to "vacate" your job for a time.


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