Crawling the Blogosphere

One of the things that I enjoy about vacation is that I spend some time crawling around the music therapy blogosphere. It is always interesting to see what my fellow music therapists are writing about, and I do not always have the time or the inclination to look around during the school year.

There are some amazing music therapists out there, writing about important and semi-important things. I do not have a list of people that I track on a regular basis, but when I type "music therapy blog" into my Google search window, I get lots of options to visit.

Did you know that there are people out there selling their music in mp3 song format and/or CDs? There are music therapists who are leading sessions via Skype. There are music therapists that use their blogs to preach their own form of music therapy to the masses. There are folks out there like me who just ramble on and on about anything that comes into our heads. So many different therapists doing so many different things.

It is probably a good thing that I do not have time to do this often, since looking at what others are doing often produces feelings of inadequacy in me. I look at what everyone else is doing, and I feel like there is so much more that I should be doing. I spend some time engaging in thinking about doing more, realize that I cannot do everything in the world, and then shrug and move on. 

It is important to keep in touch with what others are doing out there in the world.

Thank you for crawling across the world wide web to my little chunk of the blogosphere! 


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