Creativity Surge

So, after yesterday's post, I finished the pumpkin visual that I had drawn forever ago, and then I launched off on a wave of creativity that resulted in ideas for seven file folders, one new song, a memory box, and a Pez display board. (The last idea was not at all for my music therapy clients, but for me and my ever-growing Star Wars Pez dispenser collection - I know, geeky on several fronts, but what can you do?)

Sometimes I find that creativity has to be nudged in order to bloom. By setting an expectation for completing one task, all of these other ideas were sparked.

Off I go to finish "The Present," Song Lines File Folder, Code Breaking File Folder, Ta-ti Note Game, Musical Road Signs Game, The Turkey Tango/Chicken Cha-Cha Visual, Notation Sliders File Folder, and the All About Me Rap! Oh, and to get started on that PEZ display board.


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