
Today, I was manipulated by a master. I must admit that he took me in, spun me around, and got exactly what he wanted. Shame on me!!!

This young man is 11 years old and has a diagnosis on the severe side of the autism spectrum. He has never been an individual client of mine, but has been in group music therapy for quite a time now. He was on my list of students to start in individual therapy and then was discharged from the facility. He returned after approximately a month at home. Today was the first time we were going to the music room for individual music therapy.

I handed "P" his name card and directed him to get his PECS icon off of his schedule. He grabbed the music card and threw himself on the floor, screaming, "No music! No music!" He attempted putting his card back on his schedule. I persisted and made him get his music card again. I finally persuaded him to move towards the door, ushered him out where he appeared to revel in the wonderfully live acoustics of the classroom building hallway. He kept screaming, and I kept up my mantra. " 'P' doesn't get what he wants when he screams." He kept going.

The manipulation part of this scenario occurred soon after moving into the hallway. I told him, "When you get to the music room, we will sing 'MJ Don' 'Low." (His favorite song - he requests it during every group session.)

The little stinker smiled at me, said, "Okay," and popped up, walked down to the music room, and participated in 15 minutes of music therapy without a complaint.



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