Trying Something New

Lately I have been feeling restless.

When these feelings sneak up on me, I have to stop and evaluate what is going on. Sometimes this means looking for another job, sometimes it is as simple as changing my hairstyle, and other times it means that I am frustrated with everything that goes on in my life. I am REALLY hoping that this can be solved pretty easily, but who knows.

Anyway, in order to try to shake up my feelings of restlessness, I am trying to do something new. Actually, I am trying to do several things in a new way.

  1. BUSINESS: I am going to focus on my business plan in the next 3 months with the goal of accomplishing my dream of offering online continuing music therapy experiences to music therapists. At this time, I am hampered by a lack of funds to pay for the application fee, but I think I can swing it after 3 months of couponing and limited extra expenses. It is amazing how $250 is a huge cut in my entertainment budget, but in these financial times... you know the rest of that sad song.
  2. PERSONAL: I started an art journal with my most current intern. I generally journal via this blog or in one of my many book journals, but I often journal sporadically in those formats. The art journal is my way of trying to keep a chronicle of happenings in a nontraditional format. The rules are simple - I open up to any page, put the date on it, and then go. I can draw, write, make word pictures, anything at all.
  3. MUSICAL: I am archiving all of my music onto a large drive on my computer. It is amazing how much music I have collected in my 19 years of practice. I am challenging myself to listen to new music daily - most of it from my music library - to keep myself connected to musical expression from others and to inspire my own musical expression.
I am also focusing on changing my physical environment. As I have mentioned before, I am a pack rat, so I am challenging myself to clean up, throw away, and donate parts of my life to various places around me. Sigh - this one is very difficult for me, but I hope to persevere. There is a newly designed Star Wars bedroom in my near future. I just have to get there! (Yes, I am THAT much of a geek!!)

It is a good feeling to think about shaking up my existence here on planet earth. Off to try something new...


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