Health - Mental, Physical

You may have noticed that I have been blogging about current stressors present in my job at the moment. I have been thankful to have this forum as an outlet for some of my frustrations as writing has always been a cathartic experience for me. Seeing my feelings in word form often allows me to see patterns, twists, and paths to solutions. So, thank you for indulging my recent trend towards complaining.

While the situation has not been resolved yet, I have had to disconnect from the situation to help with my own health.

Friday was the day for the meeting with the teacher who has caused so much conflict in my life. The meeting was canceled, but I spent the night before the meeting in fitful sleep (typical for me when I'm stressed) and then spent the day in a blood pressure flush. I got home and found that my blood pressure was extremely high. 

It is interesting to me that I often feel that I hate my job when I am experiencing some physical health issues. Once the health issues are resolved, I am back to loving my life, especially my music therapy sessions. The physical has a direct effect on the mental - something that I do not always remember.

I am actually relieved to know that there is something going on with my health. It explains some of why I am tense, but there is an interesting chicken and egg conundrum here. Am I tense because my blood pressure is high? Or is my blood pressure high because I am in a situation that increases my stress level? Who knows.

All I know is that these two things are interconnected.

I am going to focus on relaxation as well as conflict resolution this week.

Here is the plan. I will spend a portion of everyday making music just for me. I will spend some time in deep breathing relaxation. I will take my medication. I will avoid situations that make me feel additional stress. I will enjoy the interactions that I have with students this week. I will find something to do daily that is out of the ordinary for me. 

I will also job shop. If I am not happy where I am, I owe it to myself to find my bliss somewhere else.

Off to breathe deeply... 


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