What A Difference A Week Makes...

Last week stunk. There is no other word for the funk that I was in that was caused by work, or by the aspartame, or by the moon, or...

Anyway, this week is MUCH better!

I stopped drinking the Crystal Light. I made an effort to avoid the people who drive me crazy (A.S.P. - my new campaign...I may post about this at some point), and I tried to think positive thoughts all the time.

Aaah, the power of the positive thought.

I think positive thinking is often highly underrated. There is power to thinking about the good in things. The recession...it is forcing me to budget more carefully. The allergies...the medication makes me feel sleepy so I am sleeping well. Co-workers' conflict...an opportunity to focus on my role in the facility. Broken guitar...an opportunity to challenge myself with my piano skill development.


Go out and think positively. It made a world of difference for me.


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