Finishing the Relaxation Part of the Summer

I have four days of fall break left before I return to the daily routine of the school year.

Today it is raining outside. This is the first time that rain has actually fallen on my little home since I started break some 14 days ago. The change in the atmosphere is wonderful, and I am finally feeling like autumn is coming sometime in the future.

Tomorrow I get to go to the Office Depot Star Teacher appreciation breakfast for some stale donuts, a bag full of goodies, and the chance to win a drawing. I NEVER win, but I always try. I will spend some money on ink cartridges for the computer and for some other things that I really do not need, but want. Last year I had a migraine headache come on as I was waiting for the drawing results. I am hoping that doesn't happen this year.

So, what does this have to do with anything but the "me" part of this blog??

I feel strongly that music therapists often do not have an awareness of the essential need for self-care. (I think this may be one of the reasons why we have many young professionals who leave the profession for other situations.) We, helping type folks that we are, often neglect our own need to be helped. For me, one of the best things I can do to be helped, refreshed, renewed, and re-energized, I like time to become bored with being home and away from people.

My pool of thought has been refilled with the past two weeks away from work. 

I have made plans for my therapy sessions over the next several months. I also have spent time thinking about all aspects of my life. I have made things ready for laminating for use in my sessions. I have organized parts of my life. I have determined that my predilection towards being a pack rat is part of my need to control my environment (Thanks, Hoarders!). Snark!

The end of vacation is always a good time for me. I love my job. I love my students, my sessions, most of my co-workers, and the things that I get to do during my regular work as a music therapist. I am ready to go back into my work with children and adolescents. I also am ready to spend time with students who scream, pull hair, hit others, and spend lots of time engaged in oppositional behavior. With the time that I have had away from my job, I am ready to jump in with both feet again. All the way into the deep end.

So, only four more days until I get to be an active music therapist again.

I can't wait!


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