Deep Thoughts...

Yesterday, my administrator attempted to be inspiring. She had been involved in an accident a couple of days before and really found it to be a life-changing experience. She felt that we needed to share in her inspiration and change our lives as well. I found myself musing on the nature of inspiration and how it is presented to others.

I think of myself as an intelligent, creative, and somewhat spiritual person. I am able to be rational in the middle of emotional situations. I feel that I am a person who can be inspired by many things - big and small situations and events that occur in my life.

One of the things that I found myself thinking while she spoke about her life-altering experience was, "I'm glad she was able to assist the folks who needed help, and she seems to have had a bit of a change in attitude." I was glad that she had experienced such a profound event and that everyone was fine.

Then, she started to talk about using her experience as inspiration for us all. This I found difficult. 

She used her experience to tell us that we should not react to her requests or thoughts. "Life is too short to worry about 10 additional minutes of the workday. Why argue? Just do it."

This was where I had to start tuning out. Her inspiration was going to have to trump any of the inspiration that I have had over the years that causes me to advocate for my profession and my clients?? Why??

Now, I understand that an inspirational moment has great strength for the person who is experiencing the moment. I also think that inspiration is not something that has great power when served as a left-over. I understand the thought of life being too short to worry about little things, but who decides what the little things are? Something little for one person may be MONUMENTAL for me! 

I have been inspired by her inspiration to continue to express my own needs in a way that expresses what I need to have to be an effective music therapist for my clients.


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