Looking Around

I'm into vacation mode right now, so I'm spending lots of time thinking about my music therapy practice. I enjoy this time off - it's one of the best perks about being a school-based music therapist - and try to use them as periods of time to refresh my creativity as well as to organize things.

I am currently trying to organize my intellectual "bag 'o' tricks."

Over the years, I have been collecting ideas of things to do with my clients. This habit was started by my professor during my undergraduate education who required a file of applications for my second ever music therapy class. I continued the pattern and habit throughout my 18 years of clinical work and practice. I have a shoebox full of note cards that contain music, ideas, half-finished thoughts, and things that I like. Now, when my interns started to go high-tech and place their Therapeutic Music Experience (TME) file on the computer, I decided it was time to abandon my cards and use the computer as well. I am now playing "catch-up" by scanning all of my cards into the computer.

As I take breaks from scanning cards, I am also continuing my quest to organize my life and all the stuff that I have collected over the years. It is amazing what I have stashed away in boxes and containers over my practice.

All of this, of course, is a way to avoid writing my research papers, a task that I MUST complete this week. I think I am almost ready to start my next round of revisions, but I am not completely sure.


Today's tasks are to scan the "B" section of my card box and sort the four boxes of novelty instruments into categories for taking to work, leaving at home, and using with specific clients. Then, the results section of the SCANS paper... 


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