
Lately, I have been attempting to increase my supervisory techniques to help me with intern supervision. One of the things that I have attempted are mandala, much-hyped by several of the more vocal internship directors who prescribe to a more psycho-dynamic form of therapy than myself. I do not think that I am doing these as prescribed by those IDs, but I am enjoying the process and the learning experience.

I am currently completing eight-point mandala. I start with a small circle and then draw eight radiating lines from that circle. I think I really like the discipline of mandala the way that they were described to me.

My mom, my source of all things, is really into Zentangles. She starts with a square and then draws lines. She fills in the space with shapes, colors, and forms. I have not been able to be that free with my mandala yet. There is a form of mandala called Zendala, which combines both of the concepts. This is also too free-form for my comfort level at this time.

I wonder what one of those more psycho-dynamic therapists would think of my mandala. I like the symmetry and repetition of the patterns that I draw. I enjoy the discipline of starting with a central idea and then watching that idea grow and change as additional layers are put on. Here is one of my mandala. Thoughts about this?
Central idea, then things adding on in one layer at a time.


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