Back to Work

Tomorrow I go back to work after a nice, long vacation. I have spent the 18 days of break just relaxing. This has been a good break. Long enough to get bored with not being around people and ready to get back into the daily routine of therapy.

Tomorrow will be a day full of new experiences. I have significantly changed my schedule and treatment format from the schedule I have had for the past 6 years to what it was when I first arrived at the facility where I work. I will be increasing my individual and small group treatment and decreasing my group treatments. This pleases me greatly, but it does present some challenges.

My clientele has changed in the past four years. The students that attend my school are primarily children who are dually diagnosed. They have a developmental disability such as autism spectrum disorder or intellectual disability and an additional diagnosis on the psychiatric spectrum. The students are more actively aggressive than the students of five-six years ago. The length of stay is shorter, requiring more intensive treatment in a shorter period of time.

I have felt that group treatment has been adequate, but not as effective as individual interaction with my students. There is something about being engaged in a 1:1 interaction with a client that is more appropriate than a 15:1 interaction.

When my treatment format changes, everything changes. My goal and objective requirements have changed. I have to justify why I choose the students that receive individual treatment to the powers that be. I also have to rearrange my treatment area to accommodate individuals - increased opportunities for communication of wants and needs, new routines, ways to challenge students to experiment with music, and many other things.

This is my last day of vacation. I am going to spend it getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. I have several projects to do - communication board, music lesson folders, file folders to laminate, and sessions to design. I have to get ready for an internship audition for tomorrow. I need to load up the car with all of my stuff. I'm excited to get back.

Can't wait!!


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