New Moon

Yesterday was the new moon. You hear lots of things about the effect of a full moon on people, but you rarely, if ever, hear about the effect of the new moon.

For me, a new moon often means headaches, a general feeling of snarkitude, and a lack of focus. I see effects in my clients as well. Yesterday afternoon, a young man entered the music room upset. He tends to get very hysterical about things very fast. He started one of his verbal loops and escalated quickly from participating to screaming, "Maybe Thursday...Stop Screaming..." and other phrases during the session. There was no soothing him. There was no opportunity to assist him musically. There were no antecedents.

At that time, I completely understood how he felt. I had been feeling similarly myself. A situation arose where I had made a decision, made a glaring error in how the decision was conveyed, and then spent the rest of the time engaged in arguments with the person who needed the decision. Every time I checked my email, there was another just on this side of rude communication from the person who asked for the decision.

I could feel my blood pressure climbing. Little things set me off and I reacted to things differently than I usually do. These reactions were not bad or damaging to my relationships, but were not my typical pattern of response. I finally threw up my hands and gave myself over to the moon.

I ordered Chinese food - my panacea and treat.

I called my family and talked to my sister for over an hour.

I concentrated on my breathing.

This morning, I had made my point in a professional manner (with, I admit, a somewhat snarky comment at the end of the email in response to a much more rude comment from the first person). (I had a chance to use the word "onus" in the email. What a great word...but I digress.) The moon is now starting to wax rather than wane. I think my attitude will also improve.

Take care of yourself in this period of new moon influence.


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