
The big event in my fall break is camp. I have volunteered for a camp for kids with diagnoses on the Autism Spectrum. When I heard about the camp, they were asking for a music therapist to lead the big campfire. I volunteered and was told that, in addition to the campfire, I would be in charge of music therapy, arts and crafts, and sensory experiences. I was up for the challenge and ready to go.

Last night was orientation. Imagine my suprise when I found that I was going to "assist" with music therapy rather than lead it. As that was not AT ALL my expectations, I had to do some quick mental rearranging. In one fell swoop, I went from being the therapist to being the aide. The kicker,...no one bothered to mention that I was no longer in charge of that portion of things until I saw it on the schedule. Then, I felt like such a dink for asking if I needed to plan to lead therapy. The camp director looked at me with surprise on her face and offered a session on Saturday after the other TWO music therapists had gone home!

Okay. I'll admit that my feelings are hurt, but I really feel that this could have been handled much better. An email explaining that there were two others who were volunteering, so I didn't have to plan anything would have sufficed for me. I am probably WAY overreacting, but the fact is that I am disappointed in this situation. I love the act of doing music therapy, and I love working with folks on the Autism Spectrum. There are many more things that I would love to do than sit and watch. I will just have to act like I do when I'm supervising others. That is SO much more difficult and less satisfying for me than facilitating the experiences.

The bright side of all of this is that I should be learning some new opening TMEs as well as some closing TMEs.

Another bright side - no need to lug all of my instruments to camp.


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