Taking a Deep Breath

It is almost time for the end of the school year. When you are a school-based therapist, you wait for the end of the school year like others wait for their vacations - counting down the days. I have 5 days left.

I relish my times away from the clinic, primarily because I get to the point where I feel like I am singing the same old songs while working on the same old skills. I can only sing "Elimination" so many times before I am LONGING for new musical interventions and interactions. The break allows me to clean my house while clearing out the old and bringing in the new.

I have trends when it comes to refreshment of my therapeutic self. I enjoy listening to music that does not include rapping or Britney Spears singing. I make compilations for use in my car - my favorite songs from a variety of genre. I take time to play my guitar and my keyboard.

I spend lots of time breathing.

I think I often forget the power of a deep, cleansing breath. I use breathing with my clients often, especially when they are out-of-control. The deep breath often interrupts their increase in adrenaline, distracts them from the peer who is looking at them the wrong way, and encourages them to be quiet. It is very difficult to scream and breathe deeply at the same time. I have to remind myself that breathing is the center of my musical presence.

I'm going to breathe deeply and often over the next several weeks. Join me.


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