Going to Kentucky, I'm going to the fair, to see a senorita, with flowers in her hair...
I am in Kentucky on the Indiana border, in the great town of Louisville! I have never been to Kentucky before, and I am hoping to see it in the sunshine before I leave. It has been very dark and gloomy for the time I've been here. I hope the sun will shine soon.
Anyway, I am here for the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) National Conference. We always choose an exotic location and then descend upon it like locusts for a weekend. A glut of music therapists is an interesting phenomenon for any city block. The singing, serenades, research presentations, and sessions start today as 1200+ MTs arrive from all over the world. My life in the professional world is rapidly becoming that of mentor (as a long-time friend of mine pointed out yesterday, much to my surprise!!). I always feel inadequate when I see what things are happening with the profession. I have to remind myself that I am also doing important work for the profession. This is always reinforced when I am leading sessions that are packed full of therapists who crave information about things to do with kids! I am not anticipating the same response this year as my presentations are less clinical and are more training oriented, but I might be surprised. That is a great thing about conference. Sometimes things happen that are unexpected!
The week has been busy so far. I serve on a national committee, and we had a marathon meeting on Wednesday. The committee is in the second year of a leadership transition, and we are all familiar with the process now. The meeting was extremely productive, down to making concise decisions, and making plans for the improvement of our purpose in the Association. It was wonderful!
Today is full of meetings, classes, and networking. I have to get all professional in my dress and demeanor. It makes a nice change from jeans and a t-shirt, but I really do prefer my jeans over panty hose any day! Off to get gussied up and meet and greet!


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