It's A Small World, After All...

There is something comforting about being anonymous out here on the internet. I can post my thoughts out there and anyone can read it. Pretty cool. I often wonder who, if anyone, accesses this page. Fun to find out that some people do -

Today, I was sucked into the small world that I live in. I received a comment from a fellow music therapist out there in the web and then responded to a comment on the music therapy ListServ that has generated several requests for more information. There are music therapists out there who are doing the same thing that I am!! What a nice feeling to find a community way out here in rural life!

We are back in school. Students have returned to the music room for five school days now. We are getting back into the swing of things after 2 lazy weeks in the sweltering heat. I had to assist a student with maintaining his physical responses today - not my general role, but one that I take on if needed. Today it was needed. The problem with working with large groups of adolescents and children with developmental and psychiatric diagnoses is that there are times when you are unable to address the needs of the individual in the interest of the whole. Music can generally provide individual opportunites within the group treatment format, but not always. Today was one of those days.

I had some wonderful music making moments today as well as the frustrating one that I kinda described. We ribbon danced today before writing rhythmic patterns on our rhythm wheels. Kids were singing, yelling, clapping, laughing, and generally in a good mood during their sessions. I love this job! Where else can you dance, sing, scream, laugh, whisper, stomp, and jiggle - and get paid to do it?

My professors tend to want me to go into academia after I finish my education - I keep resisting. Why would I want to give up the challenges, irritations, and joyful moments that my clients give to me freely for a world of tenure seeking and gold standard research? It's not for me right now.

Goodnight, internet ether!


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