Snow Days
I love snow days. I go to work at the residential school where I am a music therapist, and we have a wonderful time! My friends who stay at home on school days do not understand why I continue to drive the 52 miles, one-way to my job when the weather is nasty, but I do. Here are some of the reasons:
  • My boss does not mind if I come in later than usual - as long as I arrive safely
  • Day students stay home, decreasing the case load by 20%
  • No bus room!
  • I get to see all students in half-hour sessions
  • Classes are different, and students are in a state of shock at the change in routine
  • The BEST reason is this... I get to take extra time off at Spring Break - 3 extra days!

Today is a snow day for me. I got out of bed around 9 am, and then went to the store. I got home and napped with the cat. I'm getting ready to go to my part-time job, but I'm not in any hurry to get there. I did not have to work a 12-hour day yesterday or today. I did not have to go through the excruciating torture of parent-teacher conferences (where no one wants to talk to the music therapist, just to the physical therapist). I do not have to score Alternate Assessments because I am not there! These are the best reasons I know to continue to work snow days. On to Spring Break!!!!


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