Snow Days and Sickness

I woke up yesterday morning after a sick day on Monday to see lots of snow on the ground. I was feeling so-so, but the thought of a snow day at the school where I worked motivated me to
get up and get going. I work as an essential staff member on snow days at the special-purpose school where I work. When students live there year-round, there is no such time as staff time-off. The sacrifice of driving to the school in the snow is well paid off in release from excruciating inservice days and conferences - the worst things for me to have to do!

So, I got up and started my day. No breakfast at home, wasn't quite up to it yet, and then drove to the school. It took me 30 minutes more than usual, mainly because I got into an accident the last time we had bad weather (but no snow day!) and still haven't had my car fixed from that kerflaffle! I stayed at 35-45 mph the entire 52 mile trip.

Mistake #1 - breakfast -biscuits and gravy with the students
Mistake #2 - lunch - burritoes - this was the start of the mistake
Mistake #3 - dinner - bacon sandwich - compounded the problem

I ate the wrong things yesterday and have been paying for it since. After a wonderful day at school - snow days tend to confuse our students which make them easy to work with, I have been up all night, SICK! Needless to say, I am at home now on a second sick day. I hope I can get my gut settled down so I can return to work tomorrow, but I may not be able to.



  1. Glad you made it back. You're right; biggest mistake = school food (though I've had much worse).


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