Snow Day #2 - I Have To Do SOMETHING!

It is official. Today is a second snow day. I am stuck at home because the snow is still very high at my house, and my street does not get plowed. I am not sure if I will get out by tomorrow, if we have a regular day. My car has a low profile, so it is difficult to get out of the garage and street if the snow is this high. I do not want to end up blocking the street with my little car. I've done that before, but in a bigger street area. If I block things on the street that I am on now, I will block off at least three neighbors and keep them from getting where they need to go. I can't do that, so I might have to take personal time this week until the snow is melted down enough.

Today is a dually challenging day for my family. My father died on this date four years ago, and my mother has a birthday today. We have grief and celebration on our minds today. I tend to focus more on Dad on January 6th so I can focus on Mom on the 7th, but it can be difficult at times.

It is easier when I am at work to go through this day. I am alone today, so that means that I have little distraction from my grief and my joy on this day.

Snow day #2 is not starting off in a good manner. I need to figure out a plan. I did manage to scrape snow off most of my sidewalk including a pathway to my snow-covered street to my front door. I am waiting for deliveries today, tomorrow, and whenever they arrive. I want delivery people to be able to access my front door without any difficulty on their end. There is one patch of ice that I need to treat today. I am also going to test the snow to see if I will be able to shift enough of it to get out of the garage. That will inform whether I can get to work tomorrow.

I have plenty of things to do around here, but not much motivation to do anything but read library books. I have decided that I will not do an exhibit for the regional conference this March. I do not have the products ready, and I doubt that I will get them finished in the time that I have left. So, that quest will have to be abandoned. I think I will focus a bit differently through a similar quest focus.

Not feeling great about that, but I also have to be realistic about what I will and will not be able to get finished. My imposter syndrome is taking over my brain right now - part of the difficulty of having to be alone when I haven't planned on being alone. I need to figure out my afternoon routine to include my quests. The other thing that I need to do today is make lunches for the rest of the week. I am trying to change how I eat because my body is having some challenges with digestion. I am trying smaller meals on a more frequent schedule. So, I have to do some meal prepping for continuous snacks while at work. That will take up about 15 minutes.

Sorry for the scatteredness going on. I hope that you weren't looking forward to a Thrifty Therapist post today, but, if you were, rest assured that those posts will be back soon!

See you tomorrow??


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