Random Thoughts on a Thoughtful Thursday

It is a late start Thursday here at Spring Break central where I decided that I didn't need to sit up too much until just about now. I decided to take an easy day after a day of working which strained my back coupled with a surprise flat tire that just ratcheted up my stress to a point of pulling me out of whack, so I am now feeling the results. I am not ready for the next home visit, but I did stop by and tell my neighbor that we will be going into her backyard tomorrow at some point. My AC unit is on her side of the fence. She also agreed to allowing me to put in a gate in our shared fence so I could access the AC unit without having to walk around her side of the duplex, so that's good.

So, this is a late post. My tire is fixed, I stopped by JoAnn's and bought some embossing folders and three sheets of spring themed paper, and talked to my neighbor, so it's already been a busy day. It only cost me $103 for the new tire and $6.42 for the crafting supplies. Not a bad day so far.

I have accomplished my office rearranging so far. My craft desk is (mostly) cleared off, but there are still things on the floor that I want to pick up and find places for in this space. Progress has been made, and I am thankful for that fact!

It is time to work on more of my environment - there are things on the floor that now have places to reside. There are things on my desk that can be straightened and organized (did anyone else feel a chill up their back when they read that?). My back is starting to feel better, so I think I will get cracking on these tasks.

As I am working, I will also start to jot down things that I want and need in this space. The first thing that comes to mind is that I want some sort of pedestal on my desk where I can put a small lamp up high enough to shed light on my face during Zooms and on the desk the rest of the time. My current desk has the camera facing two light sources, so I want to decrease the backlighting and increase the face lighting. I think I will start with a cardboard and decoupage pedestal to see how it will work. I have lots of scrapbooking paper that I will never use up otherwise, so why not make something? I have a closet full of cardboard, so I have all the materials that I need right here.

I also want to make a quick, spring themed book out of one of the pieces of paper that I bought this morning. A couple of pieces of paper, two pieces of cardboard, some glue, and some frou-frou, and I will have a little book to share with someone. I don't know who I will give it to, but I will share it with someone.

I am not ready to go back to work yet, but it is inevitable, so I am coming to terms with it all.

That's it. That's all I can think of at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better writing day...we shall see. Time to take a nap. See you tomorrow??


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