Synthesis Sunday: Falling Down and Trying to Get Back Up

I fell down two days ago.

To be specific, I slipped when I was going downstairs, and I tweaked my foot. All I could think of was, "I should have gone down on my butt like I thought about before heading down the stairs," and "please, don't let me die." I obviously didn't. but I am going to have to do some stuff to make sure that I am less likely to fall in the future. After all of that, I hurt my foot.

Yesterday, I wrapped my foot, headed to church, and then started a migraine headache. For my migraines, I get a ocular migraine first which disturbs my vision but does not have the headache as part of it until the ocular migraine leaves - then the head starts to pound and the light makes it difficult to function. I was able to stay at church through my Sunday School time, but then I had to leave as the headache was coming and I could not fathom being able to sing and listen to what was going on with a pleasant look on my face. I went home, took the headache medications and went to sleep. I woke up after about two hours, took a drink, went to the bathroom, and then flipped back over and went back to sleep. I slept for another two hours and felt pretty good. I decided to go to the doctor because my head wasn't pounding too much and because my foot was bruised, swollen, and throbbing. So, I put on my outside slippers and headed to my doctor. My doctor is part of an urgent care practice, so there are walk-in hours on Sundays. That's one of the reasons that I go to that practice - the ability to go on weekends.

I mentioned that I have a balance disorder, was experiencing a migraine, and had slipped on my stairs. I had two short dizzy spells yesterday, so I mentioned that as well. After three x-rays, the Physician's Assistant verified that I chipped off the proximal part of the phalanx on my ring toe - I don't know what to call the piggy that ate none... It is on my left foot and looks eerily similar to the broken finger that I had in 2020.


So, long story short, I ended up getting this wonderful orthopedic accessory to wear for the next month and a half, new vitamin requirements, and the dictate that "there isn't much we can do about toes, but we'll send you to the orthopedist anyway." Great. More appointments and limited options for how to heal.

I am tired of breaking bones and ripping tendons and not being able to move smoothly. I need to figure out how to do this better, and I wonder how to even start.

I have learned some lessons from this adventure. First, if my intuition tells me to head down the stairs on my bottom, I will heed that advice. Second, I will ALWAYS hold onto the banister (I didn't this time and then tried to carry things and lean over to pick up something on the stairs - BIG mistake). Third, grip socks are my friends! Fourth...

I am old.

I am feeling sorry for myself, frustrated with myself, and disgusted that this has happened to me yet again. I just can't seem to figure out how to stop all of this. I don't even know who I should be talking to about my concerns. Maybe it is good to be referred to an orthopedist. Maybe that will be the person who can help me with all of this. I'm tired of breaking when I try to do anything at all.

I have today left over from my five-day weekend, but I have to spend more time sitting than moving around. I may force myself to do some painting. Watercolor might be my speed today. I could set up my painting placemat and then just go through some watercolor paper as I try to keep my foot elevated and out of the way of other things. It's amazing how often I trip over things and just am not able to navigate familiar places and terrains. I wonder if there is a way to become less clumsy. It hasn't been something I've found in my many decades of life, but now I am no longer bending, I am breaking more often. Blergh!

Okay. Enough of this.

Tomorrow is TME Tuesday. I want to make something for Teachers Pay Teachers today - maybe something for some generic music therapy sessions...maybe. I will do some brainstorming while looking at my clip art possibilities. I think I will also order some food from somewhere. All of that, though, is for another time. For now, I will finish up some of my chores, watch the sun rise, and into my day off. I hope that your day is a good one.

Stay safe out there...


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