TME Tuesday: The Effect of Last Minute Strategizing

So... There was no post yesterday because I couldn't seem to break out of a slump of self-pity and repetitive thoughts about stuff. I decided that my thoughts needed to stay in my own radar and not be shared with the music therapy world. I am in a better space this morning, so here goes another attempt at writing something. I went to work yesterday without an idea in my mind as to what I was going to do with my clients. This is not an unfamiliar state for me. I often start Mondays without any sort of idea what I am going to do with my clients, but I always come up with something. Sometimes what I come up with works with my students, and sometimes it doesn't. Yesterday worked. I sat in my office yesterday, looking through my options. We did some Orff work two weeks ago when I had a full week of sessions. I didn't want to do those instruments again, mainly because my students complain when I repeat things too often. I also established the idea of word rhythms during those gro...