I'm Going To Do a Giveaway!!

For some time now, I have been wanting to give some things away to the music therapy community. I have decided that next month is THE month for my giveaway, and I am getting things put together to announce in about a week and a half. I am making things, collecting my items in one place, and am making all sorts of plans for this thing.

picture of many different visual aids used in some music therapy sessions including lyric puzzles, large ant pictures, several handbound books, and other file folder activities designed by the author,
A past giveaway - this one will be different.

One of my passions is to make things that I use with my clients in music therapy. There is no better way to spend a rainy Saturday than to sit down and use my cardstock, file folders, computer, stickers, and laminator to make something new. I love figuring out how to use materials in music therapy experiences and interventions to supplement what the music does. I love trying new things and then sharing those new things with others! Some of the best presentations I have ever done (from my perspective) have been the Make and Take presentations that I have shared with other music therapists. There is something so wonderful about showing someone how to take $2.00 worth of materials and then turn those materials into something functional for a music therapy client! I love doing those types of presentations - hmmm, maybe that is an idea for a webinar series?? Hm - put it into the idea book.

PP (AKA Pre-Pandemic), I was getting ready for my first ever exhibition booth at a music therapy conference. I had printed out most of my file folder templates and had started putting together the folders to share with participants at the Midwestern AMTA conference. I had about a month of hard work ahead of me, and then the news hit that all live conferences were cancelled. I still had all the materials, but no place to share them. This led me to a state of frustration, and then the pandemic changes started, so I just left all those materials sitting in my home, neglected and unfinished. I have finally come to the conclusion that it is time to start this process over again.

Hence, the giveaway!

I am going to include a three-month subscription to my sing about mini subscription service. Did you know that I offer a digital file every month with original therapeutic music experiences (TMEs), recommended music lists, opportunities for pre-planning sessions, and visuals aids that are not available anyplace else? All of this for only $9.00 per month. I decided that a subscription might be a good thing to include in this giveaway. I am looking forward to making this certificate to include in with everything else.

The other things that I am going to include are most of my generic files - things that can be used by all sorts of music therapists for all sorts of clients. I will include a choice lapboard and my food items and my animal pictures. I have some holiday specific folders, some kid-specific folders, and lots of resources. The stack keeps getting larger and larger, and I am loving all of it!

Today, I will finish up the stack of laminated folders and materials that I have sitting and waiting so I can start to take pictures and get my announcement ready to go. I have my rolls of Velcro, my stickers, and my list ready. The camera needs to be charged, but I can do that. I am going to figure out how I am going to ship this to the person who wins!

I like this idea. I like being able to share what I love with other people. I also want to let other people know that I am out here doing my thing! There will be a digital freebie for everyone who signs up for the giveaway as well - I am thinking maybe one of my sing about mini editions would be a good freebie. I am getting ready to release sing about december 2021. Maybe that one?? Maybe sing about october 2021. Things to think about.

If you are reading now, leave a comment below (make sure that you use your name so I can get you onto the list) to get an extra entry into the giveaway. What visual aid do you use the most with your clients? I will not post your comments if you let me know that you don't want them published... By the way, the giveaway will start on September 15, 2021 and the winner will be selected on October 3rd!

Thanks for reading!


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