Another Late Day?? Let's Talk About the Mundane Tasks of a Music Therapist at My Job

I was unable to resist the itch yesterday and left around 6:15am instead of waiting until 6:30. Today, I didn't even open my eyes until 25 minutes after my alarm light turned on (I use a light instead of an audible alarm because I get startled by sounds in not good ways to start your day...). I took my shower, and then started my morning routine.

It is now 5:30am. I will try my best to stay where I am until it is 6:30, but the itch is happening...

Anyway, let's make this more about music therapy than about my current anxious itch.

I am in the midst of developing my October theme digital offering for my clients. I will be taking a couple of days off for the AMTA National Conference (offered virtually) in October, so I want to have a file ready for those two days. The theme is Bullying, and I started off by finding some YouTube resources for my clients to access. I have a couple of original songs that need to be recorded, but I do not have a moment to myself these days, so I am reluctant to record. It's ridiculous, but I feel much more comfortable when I can close the door off to any interruption to get things done. I don't have that luxury at the moment with people coming in and out all the time. Oh well. It will get done at some point.

I am excited to get into a routine with creating these digital files. I have carved out time in my work schedule to focus on using my Promethean Board - to experiment with it, to make resources, to get more of an awareness of what is possible for music therapy with such a resource. I am still a bit hesitant about using it much because my clients already know how to watch a screen and really need more practice living without a screen in front of them at all times (my opinion, now). I am trying to figure out ways to incorporate this type of interaction at times. I think it will really be my new substitute plan rather than much of anything else. It is nice, though, to find a YouTube clip to demonstrate how to play an instrument that I do not have in my clinic.

So, October's digital collection is up and running. September's materials are almost ready to be used at the end of this month. I have the Slides on my Google Drive. I have printed out music and job related worksheets. The only thing left on my to-do list is to print out the lyric sheets for the songs selected for listening. I want to pretty them up a bit with some of my clip-art borders, but I just haven't finished that up.

My brain felt like mush yesterday. I did not do much aside from thinking while I was listening to my intern's sessions through the doorway. I thought and did internet jigsaw puzzles. I am hoping that I can be more productive today. I feel a bit less scattered today, so we will see.

My books are helping with my scattered brain. I spent some time brainstorming and writing things into the idea book for October's file and other ideas as they arrived. I have ideas but no impetus to getting things finished. This happens occasionally, and it is something that I always dread but work through. I am not fond of my mushy brain phases, but I know that I will move out of them at some point. I always do.

I need to spend some time sitting and playing with my music today. It is time to do some songwriting, and the best way I know to do that is to spend time actively practicing my musicianship skills. I'm feeling the need to play with the keyboard. I think I will take some time to play and sing familiar songs and to compose some new songs. I have an hour and a half after my last group today to fill, and it will be better to be musicking than it will be to sit at my desk area. So, I will take out my fake books and real sheet music books (I just got The Greatest Showman music book, so I am prepared) and will just play. I will shove my insecurities about singing in front of staff members down firmly and just make music. If I am really smart, I will also do some recording...if I am really smart. We shall see...

I am itching to leave at 6:05, so I am going to get some water to drink, go to the bathroom, endorse my check for depositing, go to the bank, and maybe get some breakfast this morning. Think I can delay my departure from my town until 6:30?? Probably not, but I will try.

Have a wonderful day. See you tomorrow.


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