Yesterday's Meetings and a New Favorite Animal

Yesterday, I met with three different people about different aspects of my financial future. I met with my advisor - everything looks good and I got some questions answered about what happens to my pension if I leave my current job, and I met with two mortgage lenders. I meet with another one today to talk about preapproval for a mortgage. That's right, I have FINALLY decided to take the plunge into home ownership, and things are looking good. Now I have to figure out where I want to live and try to get someone to sell me their house in this seller's market.

That was good news to hear, though. I have huge anxieties around these types of grown up things, but I know that many other people buy and sell houses all the time, so why not me and why not now!

So, now I venture forth into a house hunting process that will be mystifying at times, I am sure.

In the meantime, I have discovered that I have a favorite animal. Now, this is not earth shattering news, by any means, but I am always a bit thrown when someone asks me about favorite animals, and I now have an answer for that question. I love living with cats as pets, but they are not my favorite animals. Are you ready?

My favorite animal is a capybara

It is the largest rodent in the world, according to Wikipedia, and I think that they embody all the things that I need in a favorite animal. They are somewhat barrel shaped, are semi aquatic, and get scurvy because they cannot produce Vitamin C. 

There you go. 

My break in a nutshell...finances and rodents.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great. Now I'm worried about how to treat scurvy in rodents.

    1. Well, count on me to give you something else to worry about! ;-)


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