Today's List...Recap of the Week...Just Rambling Through My Brain

This has been a "meh" kind of week. I had a 12 hour day on Wednesday (which NEVER end up being 12 hours for anyone other than me because of my need to be earlier than ANYONE ELSE) which always shake me up emotionally and physically. I get overtired and end up sick EVERY TIME! This also coincided with corn harvest season which magnifies my allergies exponentially, so I am tired and sneezing through my heavy duty medications. Add in some almost summer like temperatures, and this girl was not entirely happy with her surroundings. All setting events for me, but interestingly, I was not pulled down by all of this in the past week. There are times when this type of incident stacking just cause me to fold, but not right now.

This has led to some introspection. Why am I okay with these things right now when all of these things happening two months ago would have sent me to my bed?? I have no clear answers, but I am glad that I am doing better at the moment.

That brings me to today's list of things to do...

  1. Do the Sunday School video for today - my guest reader didn't come through, so I have to do the entire thing myself. That's okay, but I can't wait any longer.
  2. Do a video about my facility for potential intern applicants so they can see and hear about the reality which is my clientele and facility.
  3. Clean every part of my living area. I'm back to living in a mess. Not everything will get finished today, but I can certainly make a good start.
  4. Throw things out.
  5. Be creative in any way that I can - paper crafts are out, playing guitar is out, but I can still do some digital visual aid creation.
  6. Go outside for a bit - this has to happen for my Sunday School video, but I have to wait until the sun comes up in about three hours...
  7. Clean out the car.
  8. Talk to Dad.
  9. Cook food for the next week and for freezing.
  10. Collect all the old batteries for recycling.
  11. Do some work for OCMT.
  12. Write a bit of my story - I'm thinking I want to develop the Repertoire class more...

That is more than enough for this Saturday. I want to move most of the Sunday School work off of Saturdays so I can have this day as a day of rest from now on. I will be enfolding tasks into my evening routine next week. I did pretty well with staying up and out of bed at the beginning of the week, but not so well after my 12-hour day. I found my favorite way to induce energy (AKA Caffeine-free Coke), so I have some sugar to assist me in staying awake.

I have set my favorite time management tool (r2-D2) timer, and it is time to get started with the list. I can do some of the tasks for the Sunday School video now, but most will have to wait for later and for the sun to rise. There is nothing stopping me from getting started with the household chores but my own reluctance. Dishes will be first (starting #3) and then I will start something in the crock pot for number 9. The cat has come for some attention and now has gone again. She's not enthusiastic about my routines or about my timer, to be frank.

To finish up, let's recapitulate the music therapy week...

I ran ten groups. Intern #31 is now starting her journey into session leadership so she sang all of the openings for nine of those sessions. Some of my groups responded well to what I had planned and others just sat there. We had no major arguments or aggressive incidents at all during the week. 

My therapeutic music experiences this week included doing some silly human musical stunts. I challenged some of my clients to play with instruments and use them in ways that they thought no one else would have ever played with them before. We had towers of instruments, balancing acts, demonstrations of geometry and physics made by angling drums so one ball could play on all of them, and the fastest egg shaking EVER! It was fascinating to see what they came up with during the challenge. Other groups listened to books, selected music for dancing, and were introduced to some old new songs. I realized that many of my old standbys had disappeared in the string of interns that have been coming to my facility lately, so I reintroduced the songs to my current bunch of clients, and they still worked!

Well, that's the end of my 30 minutes for blogging. Time to move to the dishes! "See" you tomorrow! 


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