I Want Some Fun, Friday!!

Yesterday was a very bad day. I had to write up eight students for severe behavior incidents, I need to write one more (at least), and I left the job feeling like a failure. After all that, I was doing my bus duty job and one of my co-workers found the arm from my Darth Tater keychain. I didn't even know I had broken it off, and there it was! That was the absolute last straw, and I ended up crying tears of joy and frustration in the hallway in front of five co-workers!

What a day.

I think I am going to spend my planning and preparation time sitting at the piano, transcribing songs that I've used in recent sessions. I want to be writing three therapeutic music experiences every week - getting them into my database and using them as well - but I haven't been writing things down very much. I think I'll take my jumpdrive to the laptop and sit in my big, beautiful music therapy room, and just sit down and compose some music.

My Fridays are predisposed to chores like this because I host the student store in my room. This means that there are classes tromping through my music therapy room to get to the store, so I don't have as much music therapy on Fridays - just two individuals. This is purposeful as I don't get much (if any) planning times in the other days of the week, so I keep all my planning time on Fridays. There is an added benefit to this sort of schedule - when we drop Fridays during the summers, I don't have to change my group schedule. It just keeps going, Monday through Thursday, exactly the same way.

So, today is going to be dedicated to some non-direct therapy fun.

I will laminate some stuff as well as write some more stuff down. I will take some time to just create things for my clients. Taking the time to sit down and be creative now will help me be responsive to my clients next week. At least, that is what usually happens. I will surround myself with the keyboard, the computer, visual aids, students (coming in and out of the room), my October theme box, and my composition box (holds my ever important [but only to me, apparently] index cards, pencils, and post-it notes). The laminator and my many projects will be nearby so I can laminate while I am composing. It sounds a bit scattered, but that is what works for me. so that's how I operate.

By next week, I hope to have several "NTM" TMEs to use with my clients. I hope that my week will be significantly more routine than this week was at my job, and I am hoping that I will feel like I've accomplished more than just writing behavior reports.

We will see.

How do you find the fun in your job?


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