Thoughtful Thursday

I had a discussion with a colleague yesterday about the challenges that I am facing in my music therapy clinic right now. This colleague shared that the same things were happening in their environment as well which was a bit validating. It was nice to know that the patterns that I'm seeing in client behaviors are not specifically linked to music therapy or the current change in session leadership that is happening but is more general than that. When these seasons of treatment happen, and they do happen, I spend lots of time engaged in self-reflection. This is both good and bad for my state of well-being because I end up taking things personally that are not personal at all, and I eventually come to the conclusion that I am making progress with my clients. I just have to shift my definition of what my clients need from me to something that is less long-term in perspective and is more immediate. My afternoon groups often come to me after being in PE. Now, I'm not sure what ...