The Morning After...the Talent Show, That Is!

I am in recuperation mode after a long day yesterday. We FINALLY made it to the Talent Show at my facility!!

Now, this isn't usually such a long journey. Most of the time, I set a date, and the Talent Show happens on that date. This year, however, something happened to the gym which resulted in a very rank smell about four days before my chosen date - we had to reschedule the entire show because the gym was not available AT ALL. So, after a week of feverish preparation, we all had to wait yet another seven days to actually accomplish the feat.

Feat it was, indeed.

I had 23 kids sign up to perform and 20 kids actually did so. The three that didn't were absent, so that made for a great turnout. We had the typical drummers, guitarists, and singers this year, but we also had some card tricks, a shared recipe, a trumpeter, a pianist, and a birth day of the week guesser! I only made one mistake with the music, and the performer who was affected just went on - was the perfect example of the adage, "The show must go on!" The staff, on the other hand, were not good examples and actually had the audacity to walk in front of that performer to scold me for the wrong music. I told them to sit down because the performer was going with it. Eeerrrgh!

Anyway, it is now over. I moved the drums and the electric and acoustic guitar and the piano and the microphones and the mic stands to and from the music therapy room to the gym. I lifted things, rearranged things, checked sound levels, and flitted from place to place for the hour it took to get through all of the talents. I then got into my car, drove the hour it takes to get home, and then felt everything I did yesterday!

I am getting old.

My body does not take lifting and moving and walking around the way it used to. I got out of the car and nearly cried at the pain in my leg joints. I hobbled to the front door and whimpered during the walk around my home getting things done. I was able to go to sleep early (thank goodness), and I slept through the night. The pain is a bit less than it was, but is still present to remind me that I am getting older! 

Today is a day for lots of work. I will need to be moving back and forth around my home, getting things arranged and assembled and ready for the next couple of weeks. I have three more work days before a week off, and I am making plans for that time off. My new bullet journal format seems to be working the best of all the ones that I've tried lately, so I'll continue to use that format. I may also add a bit of creativity to the journal - some drawing or mixed media or something new.

For today, though, I am going to hobble around my world, working on tasks that need to be done. I will spend some time whimpering when the pain in my legs gets too bad to handle, but I will also suck it up and keep on moving.

I can check the Talent Show off my list of things that I have to do! What a wonderful feeling!

Time to get going - ugh - the pain!! I'll be fine.


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