A Missed Anniversary

I was on my way home from work yesterday, sitting in the car, fighting to remain awake, and I realized something pretty important to me. 

I missed my anniversary.

Now, this was not an anniversary with someone else. and it really isn't a date that anyone recognizes but me, but it was a silver anniversary - 25 years! 

My anniversary was on March 26th. It was 25 years ago on that day, three days ago, that I graduated from my internship and school program. I became a professional music therapist - student no more! On that day, I accomplished one of my biggest goals and accomplishments - I became a Music Therap-IST!

I am very privileged to be in a profession that I loved the idea of in 1984 when a music education professor mentioned in an off-handed manner that there was "another program here" during a Girl Scout Wider Opportunity. She left a brochure, and I met my fate.

I am very privileged to be in a profession that I feel challenged by on a daily basis. I love watching music therapy interns transform from student to therap-IST in sessions with my clients. I love the debates that we get into within our own ranks (#opinionsareimportantJanice). Most of all, though, I love the clients that work through music therapy sessions day in and day out. Without my clients, I would not be able to claim the title of music therap-IST.

I can't believe I missed my anniversary. I was all wrapped up in the world of pneumonia and medications and doctor's appointments and sick days and blah, blah, blah, and I missed it, but I am determined to celebrate this silver anniversary.

I am trying to figure out how to celebrate.

Maybe the best celebration or gift I can give to myself for this anniversary is something I've wanted for a long time - refurbishing my orchestral instruments into playing order. I have a cornet (mine) and an alto saxophone (my brother's) that need minor refurbishing. I also have a flute that my sister found for me in a thrift store that needs more work. My grandfather's violin also needs some work. With those instruments back into good working order, I could spend some time playing both familiar and unfamiliar instruments. Something completely musical and completely for me. That and a cake would be a great celebration!

Do you celebrate your own music therap-IST anniversaries? 

I celebrate the music therap-IST dates of almost all of my most recent interns (numbers 13-23) through Facebook memories. I always announce their day (with their permission, of course) in a "welcome to the profession" announcement. When their anniversaries come up in my feed, I take some time to remember each one of them and what they brought to my life as a person and as a music therapist.

I will spend some time trying to figure out where I can take my instruments today. I will remember my initial professional development through finding this profession, learning about it, trying it out, graduating, working, going to learn more, and being a supervisor and mentor to others. I will flip through my memories of clients and classmates.

Happy anniversary to me (a couple of days late, but still an anniversary)!


  1. Happy anniversary! You should celebrate by answering my email.


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