Just a Song Sunday: William W. Sears - The Outline

I'm still over here, reading the foundation of my education and experience as a music therapist. Today I am going to share the outline that William W. Sears published in Music In Therapy , edited by E. T. Gaston in 1968. This is the information in the second chapter, and I feel that this chapter, more than any other reading I did as a baby music therapist, affected me and my practice - well, maybe Bruscia's Defining Music Therapy was close, but I still think that Sears is my guy when it comes to music therapy writing. ANYWAY... For those of you with a familiarity with behavioral psychology and theory, this terminology will not be very shocking. For those of you who are not as immersed in behaviorism, this outline may include language that you do not like or recognize or believe. That's fine. Feel free to agree or disagree with the writings presented in their original form here. Know that we all have different ideas about how music is effective as a therapeutic medium...