Monday Morning

Well, here it is. The first day back after Spring Break. It's time to get back into a therapy routine and focus attention on client progress and treatment again. The past week was a good start towards my personal goals (always trying to get to minimalism - but not succeeding), but it wasn't quite enough time to get bored with my own company and be itching to get back to work.

I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to do (I NEVER do), but I did get some things done. I spent time in the company of other music therapists (got some really good feedback about my presentation topics). I bought some new pants (spent WAY more money than I've spent in the last two years on clothing, but I really needed to have some new uniform pants!). I completed and submitted my CBMT pre-approved provider application so I can start offering CMTE coursework for music therapists. I took naps, had a severe dizzy spell, and cleaned the house a bit. I got lots of kitty snuggles and maintained an appropriate relationship with the feline (she still came towards me when I entered a room rather than walking out).

Now, however, it is time to get back into my work mode. I am returning to a conflict situation that has more effect on me than anyone else, but we're all out for ourselves. I will have to be assertive and possibly aggressive (not my usual way of interacting with co-workers, but then I'm the one who has to do the most changing the way things are right now).

I have four sessions today - three groups and one individual. Then I have some time for planning. I will spend that time finishing documentation and continuing to organize my office, getting things placed on my bookshelves and putting things in storage cabinets. I have some internship stuff to attend to, but then the rest of my time is my own.

I wonder what we'll do today in music therapy. I think there will be some dancing - maybe with the large scarves - we could make a rainbow to celebrate spring rain. We will address sensory seeking behaviors before we start our music therapy work - maybe some emotion-based songwriting. Maybe not. That's the nice thing about being a therapist who is flexible in nature - the clients will add as many ideas to the session as I do.

It's time to get my Monday off to a good start - some breakfast and then a commute while listening to podcasts or audio tracks to videos (I always put the iPod in its box when I am driving - I don't watch!). After that, we'll see what the day brings.

This evening I am planning to start generating content for my CMTE coursework. Anyone want to know about songwriting? I hope so.

Happy Monday!


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