Just A Song Sunday: Write Your Own, Get CMTEs!

I am steeped in songwriting these days. I took a final leap yesterday and FINALLY submitted my application to become a CBMT pre-approved provider of continuing education for music therapists (CMTEs) (I've been talking about it for 20 years and FINALLY FINISHED THE PROCESS). As a result, I am starting to generate content for my courses, and songwriting is at the top of the list.

I enjoy writing songs. I like to compose something specifically for a client. I like writing songs that help a client move towards his or her personal therapeutic goals. I've written several collections of original songs with additional therapeutic music experiences, and I think that it's good for music therapists to play around with composition and songwriting to spur creativity. One of the things that I'd wished I'd known a long time ago is that I can earn up to 20 CMTE credits for my songwriting. (It's my own fault, I've got to actually READ the recertification manual to get all this wonderful information.)

Here's how it works (straight from the recertification manual - page 24).

Original Music Composition
1) Musical score of the original composition, at least 16 measures in length and
correctly notated by hand or by computer software.
2) Audio recording of the composition on audiotape or CD.
3) Composition's therapeutic use must be included:
a) client population(s) for which appropriate
b) therapeutic domain(s) addressed
c) at least one specific therapeutic objective within the stated domain(s)
d) procedure for implementing the composition to meet the objective(s)

Whoo-hoo! My sing about song series does all of this and more! There are 20 easy CMTEs for this recertification period.

I hope that others take advantage of this simple process and WRITE SONGS! If you feel that your songwriting skills need a zap, keep an eye on the website - as soon as I'm approved as a provider, I'll start the CMTE course!!

Now go out there and WRITE THOSE SONGS!


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