Website Wednesday: Flying Pigs Campfire Songbook

I am a camp and scouting nerd. I freely admit it. Many years of being a Girl Scout, a very brief stint as an Explorer Scout, and years and years of camping in all forms and states has made me very appreciative of campfire songs.

When I am looking for a silly something to lure my clients into interactions, I go for the Flying Pigs Campfire Songbook. (Don't you just LOVE the name of this book?)

Now, I am the first to admit that I don't know all the songs in this book, but I've found YouTube links to most of the few that I haven't sung around a campfire in my life. For the ones that I just haven't found anywhere, I make up my own melodies!

Some of my favorites for therapy?
A Ram Sam Sam
Boom Chicka Boom
Come On and Sing With Me
Doodley Doo - I know this one as Wadaliactcha
...oh, there are so many more that I love. The songs can be adapted and used for all types of goals and objectives. I can make any song work for therapy, and these tend to be funnier than most, so my clients engage (even when they are shaking their head when I get silly).

Yesterday, I was asked why I was a music therapist. I stated that I continued to do the job because it was never boring and kept me continually challenged. I also spoke about the ability to be creative and to keep things going with new music all the time. Tools like this songbook help me out with the creativity as well as the interactions with my clients. 


Flying Pigs Campfire Songbook:


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