Thoughtful Thursday: Starting to Think about Presentation Topics

I am starting my process of presentation preparation. I have three presentations to give this year (so far) - one at the Online Conference for Music Therapy (registration is open - join us!) and two at the Mid-Western/Western Super Regional Conference in Denver. I am starting to try to get my thoughts together enough to start planning for these presentations.

I always propose presentations that interest me. I spend some time thinking about what I've learned lately that others may be interested in, and I write the proposal. When the proposal is accepted, I usually stop thinking about things until closer to the presentation date. That date is coming up fast, so it's time to start the next step.

My next step is starting a spiel in the car. I live about an hour away from my workplace (on purpose), and I have a good long commute. With that much time, I often talk through ideas and practice what I am going to say. I also have super sticky post-it notes and a pen in my car, so I can write down ideas as they come to me (I never do that unless I am able to do so safely). I let my speaking take a stream of consciousness format just to start practicing talking to others. Once I get an idea of what types of things I want to say, I start writing things down and putting them into the presentation.

Right now, I am preparing a presentation about group treatment and group dynamics, one on recovering from a career-slump, and repeating another one that I've done before on becoming a research-informed clinician. I have lots of nebulous ideas floating around in my head, but nothing is firm yet. It will be soon, however.

Time to head off into the work world and think about various things. 


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